Antitrust and Industrial Organization


Competition Policy and Price Fixing (Princeton University Press, 2013). [Amazon (purchase)]

Antitrust Analysis (with Phillip Areeda & Aaron Edlin) (8th ed.; Aspen Publishers, 2021). [Amazon (purchase)]

Previous editions of and supplements to Antitrust Analysis:
Antitrust Analysis, 7th Edition (2013)
Antitrust Analysis, 6th Edition (2004)
Antitrust Analysis, 5th Edition (1997)
Antitrust Analysis, 4th Edition (1988)  

Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Encyclopedia Entries

Competition Policy in a Simple General Equilibrium Model, Journal of Political Economic Microeconomics (forthcoming). [NBER] [Olin Center WP]

Replacing the Structural Presumption, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 84, pp. 565-627 (2022). [Olin Center WP]

Market Power and Income Taxation, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 13, pp. 329-354 (2021). [NBER] [Olin Center WP]

Horizonal Merger Analysis, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 79, 102714 (2021). [NBER] [Olin Center WP]

Efficiencies in Merger Analysis, Antitrust Law Journals, vol. 83, pp. 557-619 (2021). [Olin Center WP]

Balancing Versus Structured Decision Procedures: Antitrust, Title VII Disparate Impact, and Constitutional Law Strict Scrutiny, University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 167, pp. 1375-1462 (2019).  [Olin Center WP]

Recoupment and Predatory Pricing Analysis, Journal of Legal Analysis, vol. 10, pp. 1-67 (2018).  [Olin Center WP]

Price-Fixing Policy, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 61, pp. 749-776 (2018).  [Olin Center WP]

Recoupment, Market Power, and Predatory Pricing, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 82, pp. 167-219 (2018). [Olin Center WP]

On the Relevance of Market Power, Harvard Law Review, vol. 130, pp. 1303-1407 (2017). [Olin Center WP]

Market Definition, Market Power, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 43, pp. 148-161 (2015). [NBER] [Olin Center WP]

The Meaning of Vertical Agreement and the Structure of Competition Law, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 80, pp. 563-630 (2016). [Olin Center WP]

Market Definition, in Oxford Handbook of International Antitrust Economics, (Blair & Sokol, eds.; Oxford University Press, 2015), 345-363. [Olin Center WP]

Market Definition: Impossible and Counterproductive, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 79, 361-379 (2013). [Olin Center WP]

On the Choice of Welfare Standards in Competition Law, in Goals of Competition Law (Zimmer, ed.; Edward Elgar, 2012), 3-26. [Olin Center WP]

Market Definition Alchemy, Antitrust Bulletin, vol. 57, 915-952 (2012). [Olin Center WP]

Direct versus Communications-Based Prohibitions on Price Fixing, Journal of Legal Analysis, vol. 3, 449-538 (2011). [WWW]

Market Definition and the Merger Guidelines, Review of Industrial Organization, vol. 39, 107-125 (2011). [Olin Center WP]

An Economic Approach to Price Fixing, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 77, 343-449 (2011). [Antitrust Law Journal]

On the Meaning of Horizontal Agreements in Competition Law, California Law Review, vol. 99, 683-818 (2011). [WWW]

Market Share Thresholds: On the Conflation of Empirical Assessments and Legal Policy Judgments, Journal of Competition Law & Economics, vol. 7, 243–276 (2011). [Olin Center WP]

Why (Ever) Define Markets?, Harvard Law Review, vol. 124, 437-517 (2010). [Harvard Law Review]

Antitrust, in Handbook of Law and Economics (Polinsky & Shavell, eds.; Elsevier, 2007), vol. 2, pp. 1072-1225. (With Carl Shapiro) [NBER] [Olin Center WP]

Comment on Antitrust Issues in the Licensing of Intellectual Property. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics, pp. 337-344 (1997). [Olin Center WP – A Note on Antitrust Issues in the Licensing of Intellectual Property]

Concentration in the Israeli Economy and Bank Investment in Nonfinancial Companies (with Lucian Bebchuk and Jesse Fried), The Economic Quarterly, vol. 42, 643-70 (1996) (in Hebrew). John M. Olin Center for Law, Economics, and Business (Harvard Law School) Discussion Paper No. 209 (January 1997) (in English).

Antitrust, Law & Economics, and the Courts, Law and Contemporary Problems, vol. 50, 181-216 (1987).

Extension of Monopoly Power Through Leverage, Columbia Law Review, vol. 85, 515-556 (1985).

The Patent-Antitrust Intersection: A Reappraisal, Harvard Law Review, vol. 97, 1813-1892 (1984).

The Accuracy of Traditional Market Power Analysis and A Direct Adjustment Alternative, Harvard Law Review, vol. 95, 1817-1848 (1982).

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