Here’s a selection of my media interviews:
- Neighbors frown at California emoji house’s ‘bullying’ paint job (Thomson Reuters)
- Packing a projector: U.S. activists stage light invasion (Thomson Reuters)
- Eminent Domain Podcast (Locke Lord LLP)
- In the U.S., Buying Streets is a Centuries-Old Trend (BBC)
- Landowners Along Pipeline Route Sue FERC and Mountain Valley Pipeline (The Roanoke Times)
- Virginia Supreme Court Ruling Upholds Pipeline Surveying Law; Challenges Still Possible (The Roanoke Times)
- How County Pipeline Case in Va. Supreme Court Could Shape Eminent Domain Law (Staunton News Leader)
Here’s a selection of places I am presenting or have presented my work (links to videos/blogs provided):
- Faculty workshops at UCLA, Arkansas, Southern Methodist University, Michigan, Duke, Pitt, Arizona, and Brooklyn (2019-21)
- Antonin Scalia School of Law, George Mason University (August 27, 2019)
- St. John’s School of Law, Faculty Workshop (February 13, 2019)
- Washington and Lee School of Law, Faculty Workshop (January 14, 2019)
- AALS Annual Meeting, Scholarly Papers Prize Panel (January 4, 2019)
- NYU School of Law, Law and Economics Workshop (November 7, 2018)
- North American Workshop in Private Law Theory (NAWPLT-VI), Yale Law School (October 26, 2018)
- Boston University School of Law, Property Works in Progress Conference (October 19, 2018)
- Cardozo Law School, Faculty Workshop (March 28, 2018)
- Georgetown Law, Aesthetic Judgments in Land Use Law (March 2018)
- Implications of Murr v. Wisconsin, ALI-CLE Eminent Domain and Land Valuation Conference (January 25, 2018)
- AALS Annual Meeting, Section on Property Law, Structural Facilitation of Property Markets (January 4, 2018) (selected from call for papers)
- Harvard Law School, Private Law Workshop (November 15, 2017) (write-up here)
- Junior Faculty Scholars Works-in-Progress Conference, Marquette University Law School (September 29, 2017)
- Emory Law School, Faculty Colloquium (September 27, 2017)
- UVU Center for Constitutional Studies, Constitution Week 2017 (September 21, 2017)
- Northeastern School of Law, Property Works in Progress Conference (September 15, 2017)
- Mid-Atlantic Junior Faculty Forum, University of Richmond Law School (May 11, 2017)
- Notre Dame Law School, Faculty Colloquium (March 9, 2017)
- AALS Annual Meeting, Property Law Works in Progress (pre-tenure scholars) (January 4, 2017)
- University of Virginia, Symposium, The Modernity of Work and Place: Jane Jacobs and the 21st Century City (November 18, 2016)
- Boston University School of Law, Property Works in Progress Conference (September 23, 2016)
- Yale Law School, Contemporary Legal Scholarship Workshop (November 2, 2015)