Working Papers
Holger Spamann. “Civil v. Common Law: The Emperor Has No Clothes.” SSRN Related talk Related interview
Ryan Bubb, Emiliano Catan, and Holger Spamann. “Shareholder Rights and the Bargaining Structure in Control Transactions.” ECGI Working Paper
Jasper Kunstreich et al. “The Reasons Highest Courts Give: England vs. Germany, 1880-1889 vs. 2007-2016.” SSRN Replication files
Allen Hu and Holger Spamann. Working Paper. “Inference with Cluster Imbalance: The Case of State Corporate Laws.” SSRN Non-technical summary
Lukas Holste and Holger Spamann. Forthcoming. “Experimental Investigations of Judicial Decision-Making.” The Cambridge Handbook of Experimental Jurisprudence. SSRN
Holger Spamann and Jacob Fisher. “Corporate Purpose: Theoretical and Empirical Foundations/Confusions.” In Corporate Purpose, CSR, and ESG: A Transatlantic Perspective. Oxford University Press. SSRN
Holger Spamann and Lars Klöhn. “Can Law Students Replace Judges in Experiments of Judicial Decision-Making?”, Journal of Law & Empirical Analysis 1 Publisher’s Version Replication files
Daniel M. Klerman and Holger Spamann. “Law Matters – Less Than We Thought.” Journal of Law, Economics & Organization 40:108-128. Publisher’s Version Replication files Preregistration statement
Holger Spamann. 10/2022. “Comment on “Temperature and Decisions: Evidence from 207,000 Court Cases.” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 14, 4, Pp. 519-528. Publisher’s Version Replication files
Holger Spamann and Hao Guo. 8/14/2022. “The SPAC Trap: How SPACs Disable Indirect Investor Protection.” Yale Journal on Regulation Bulletin, 40, Pp. 75-86. Publisher’s Version
Holger Spamann. 2022. “Indirect Investor Protection: The Investment Ecosystem and Its Legal Underpinnings.” Journal of Legal Analysis, 14, Pp. 17-79. Publisher’s Version
Lars Klöhn, John Zhuang Liu, and Holger Spamann. 3/2021. “Precedent and Chinese Judges: An Experiment.” American Journal of Comparative Law, 69, 1, Pp. 93-135. Publisher’s Version Replication files
Holger Spamann, Lars Klöhn, Christophe Jamin, Vikramaditya Khanna, John Zhuang Liu, Pavan Mamidi, Alexander Morell, and Ivan Reidel. 2021. “Judges in the Lab: No Precedent Effects, No Common/Civil Law Differences.” Journal of Legal Analysis, 13, 1, Pp. 110-126. Publisher’s Version Replication files Interview about the study Non-technical summary
Corinna Coupette, Jyotsna Singh, and Holger Spamann. 2021. “Simplify Your Law: Using Information Theory to Deduplicate Legal Documents.” ICDMW, 2021, Pp. 631-638. arXiv
Jesse Fried and Holger Spamann. 8/2020. “Cheap-Stock Tunneling Around Preemptive Rights.” Journal of Financial Economics, 137, 2, Pp. 353-370. Publisher’s Version
Holger Spamann. 6/2020. “Lawyers’ Role-Induced Bias Arises Fast and Persists Despite Intervention.” Journal of Legal Studies, 49, 2, Pp. 467-485. Publisher’s Version Replication files
Natalie Salmanowitz and Holger Spamann. 2019. “Does the Supreme Court Really Not Apply Chevron When It Should?” International Review of Law and Economics, 57, Pp. 81-89. SSRN codebook brief_coding_data
Holger Spamann. 2018. “Are Sleepy Punishers Really Harsh Punishers? Comment on Cho, Barnes, and Guanara (2017).” Psychological Science, 29, 6, Pp. 1006-1009. Publisher’s Version Replication files
Holger Spamann. 2016. “Can Simple Mechanism Design Results be Used to Implement the Proportionality Standard in Discovery?: Comment.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 172, Pp. 227-231. SSRN version
Holger Spamann and Lars Klöhn. 2016. “Justice is Less Blind, and Less Legalistic, Than We Thought: Evidence from an Experiment with Real Judges.” Journal of Legal Studies, 45, Pp. 255-80. Publisher’s Version Replication files Appendix
Holger Spamann. 2016. “Monetary Liability for Breach of the Duty of Care?” Journal of Legal Analysis, 8, Pp. 337-373. Publisher’s Version
Holger Spamann. 2016. “The US Crime Puzzle: A Comparative Perspective on US Crime & Punishment.” American Law and Economics Review, 18, 1, Pp. 33-87. Publisher’s Version Replication files Appendix
Holger Spamann. 2015. “Empirical Comparative Law.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science, 11, Pp. 131-153. Publisher’s Version
James Naughton and Holger Spamann. 2015. “Fixing Public Sector Finances: The Accounting and Reporting Lever.” UCLA Law Review, 62, Pp. 572-620. SSRN
Holger Spamann. 10/15/2014. “Derivatives Trading and Negative Voting.” SSRN
Dan Klerman, Paul Mahoney, Holger Spamann, and Mark Weinstein. 2011. “Legal Origins or Colonial History?” Journal of Legal Analysis, 3, 2, Pp. 379-409. Publisher’s Version Replication files
Lucian Bebchuk and Holger Spamann. 2010. “Regulating Bankers’ Pay.” Georgetown Law Journal, 98, Pp. 247-287. SSRN
Holger Spamann. 2010. “The Antidirector Rights Index Revisited.” Review of Financial Studies, 23, Pp. 467-486. Publisher’s Version Replication files and appendix
Holger Spamann. 2010. “Contemporary Legal Transplants – Legal Families and the Diffusion of (Corporate) Law.” BYU Law Review, 2009, Pp. 1813-1877. Publisher’s Version
Holger Spamann. 2010. “Legal Origins, Civil Procedure, and the Quality of Contract Enforcement.” Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 166, Pp. 149-165. SSRN Replication files and appendix
Lucian Bebchuk, Alma Cohen, and Holger Spamann. 2010. “The Wages of Failure.” Yale Journal on Regulation, 27, Pp. 257-282. SSRN Replication files
Holger Spamann. 2009. “Large Sample, Quantitative Research Designs for Comparative Law?” American Journal of Comparative Law, 57, 797, Pp. 810. SSRN
Holger Spamann. 2006. “The Myth of ‘Rebalancing’ Retaliation in WTO Dispute Settlement Practice.” Journal of International Economic Law, 9, Pp. 31-79. SSRN
Holger Spamann. 2004. “Standard of Review for World Trade Organization Panels in Trade Remedy Cases: a Critical Analysis.” Journal of World Trade, 38, 3, Pp. 509-555. published paper
Holger Spamann. 10/2001. “Conflict of Laws in a Federal System and an Internal Market.” Jean Monnet Working Paper 8/01 SSRN