
I am an Assistant Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, where I teach courses on corporate law and governance, and on the political and moral dimensions of markets and corporations.

My recent and current research focuses on the corporate governance of AI, ESG investments and stewardship, stakeholder governance, corporate political spending, and CEO political preferences.

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For Students

Corporations – Spring 2025
The course website on Canvas is active.

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Office Hours
Book an appointment on Calendly. The link is in the Syllabus.

Recent Things

My new working paper (with Kenneth Khoo) examines whether the fall in support for environmental and social shareholder proposals is linked to a recent policy change by the SEC

In a blog post for ProMarket and the Harvard Forum on Corporate Governance, we summarize the findings of our new paper “Expanding Shareholder Voice: The Impact of SEC Guidance on Environmental and Social Proposals”

My new article Dual Class Contracting explores how dual-class companies design their voting rules and choose their levels of voting inequality

A few thoughts on Elon Musk’s lawsuit against OpenAI and what it can teach us about the corporate governance of AI

My essay in the Harvard Business Review on the corporate governance of Artificial Intelligence.

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