Student Supervision

If you are an HLS student interested in my supervision for your paper, thanks for your interest! I love supervising independent writing work by HLS students. I also receive many such requests: to help me evaluate your proposals, please follow these few basic rules:

  1. Please reach out to me far in advance of the relevant Registrar deadline or any other deadlines. To assess whether I will be able to supervise your paper, I will have to meet with you and discuss your interests, goals, and research ideas. In normal circumstances, you should reach out to me at least 3 weeks before the relevant deadline.
  2. I will not be able to offer my surpervision on topics different from corporate law and governance (including doctrinal, economic, historical, and policy issues) and on selected topics concerning the political and moral dimensions of markets and corporations (feel free to ask me whether a given topic is one of the “selected” ones).
  3. If your request complies with Rules #1 and #2, feel free to send me an email including: (a) one paragraph about you, your background, your interests, and your goals after law school; (b) one or two paragraphs about your project; (c) any relevant administrative information and deadlines; (d) your CV; (e) your HLS transcripts.
  4. If you work with me as your paper supervisor, you should expect the following steps:
    • To meet with me to discuss your project and the preliminary research you have done
    • To send me a detailed outline of the paper, according to the guidelines I will provide to you
    • To send me a complete draft of the paper at least 1 month before the final submission deadline
    • To review and take into account my comments on your draft and to submit the final paper by the applicable deadline

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